How To Use Your Sizing Kit:

You need:

- Sizing Kit

- A pen

- Your beautiful nails! 

- Tweezers (optional)

We recommend trimming and filing your nails before sizing to ensure the most accurate fit. 

Using your fingers or a pair of tweezers, lift the sample nail from the tape. Remove the nails one at a time from the kit, they can be hard to see on the floor! 

For the perfect fit, you will need to match the sides of the press on to the sidewalls of your natural nail. Press the artificial nail down from the cuticle to the free edge of your nail. Make sure not to go too far up your natural nail as you don't want to pinch the cuticle. While holding the press-on, check the sides and cuticle area to ensure your natural nail is completely covered. If the press on is overlapping your skin, pinching your nail, or showing gaps, try the next size up or down for comparison. If you find yourself in between sizes, go with the bigger size. When you are happy with the fit, find the number inside the press-on and write it down on your sizing kit beside the correct finger. 

Repeat the sizing process for all of your nails, marking them down as you go. Remember, it is normal for the same natural nails on each hand to be a different but are usually within one nail size.

Measure Your Natural Nails Using Tape

You Need:

- Clear Scotch style tape

- A pen and paper

- A ruler that reads in millimetres (mm)

- Patience!

Save and print the free BYN Size Chart to make the process easier and remember your sizes for future sets!

To download on mobile - press and hold the image then select save image.

On desktop - left click and select save image.

The goal is to measure the widest part of your natural nail in mm. Once you have your measurements, check the size chart to find your corresponding press-on nail size.

When clients use this method of sizing we do our best to catch all inconsistencies in nail sizing to help ensure accuracy! Once the sizing has been confirmed by BYN Beauty and the client, we are not responsible for incorrect sizing due to measurement errors. 

Using the clear tape, lay a piece over your natural nail and adhere to the shape of your nail as uniformly as possible. Take your pen and mark the sidewalls at the widest part of the nail. Once you are satisfied that the markings are accurate, remove the tape from your nail and lay it down on your ruler. Measure in mm and write it down on a piece of paper. Be sure to note each finger on BOTH hands as it is not uncommon for nails to be a size off from each other from hand to hand. Repeat the process for all of your nails. 

Follow the size chart below and match your natural nail size to your press-on nail size. If you measure a nail to a half mm, choose the larger size to ensure complete coverage. 


- The larger the nail in mm, the smaller the nail size number. 

- It is common for the ring and pointer fingers to be the same size.

- If you are unsure of your measurements, don’t hesitate to contact us for help or purchase a Sizing Kit to be 100% accurate.